Members need to create an account before they can post ads or send messages on GhanaYe-Classifieds. Getting started is quick, easy, and free.

To register:

  1. User Icon👤(Account) at the top of the GhanaYe-Classifieds homepage. Note: On phone the icon is along the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click the Sign Up now button.
  3. Enter your name, email, and the password you would like to use to sign into GhanaYe-Classifieds, and complete the form.
  4. Accept our Terms and Conditions.
  5. Click Sign Up at the bottom of the form.
  6. You’ll receive a welcome email to the address you entered in the form. To finalize your account, open the email and click Activate Your Account.

You should now be able to login and begin your GhanaYe-Classifieds journey. For help logging in, read our How to Login & Logout article.

No Welcome Email?

If you haven’t received your welcome email, check your email’s junk and/or spam folders. Then, make sure to add to your email’s safe list.

Once you’ve registered your account, you can login to get started.

  1. User Icon👤(Account) at the top of the GhanaYe-Classifieds homepage. Note: On phone the icon is along the bottom of the screen.
  2. Enter the email and password you used to register.
  3. Click Login.
  4. If asked, follow the instructions in the reCAPTCHA test and hit Verify.

For help resetting your password, read our Changing Your Password article. If you can’t login following the steps above and have already reset your password, check for browser issues.

Having trouble with reCaptcha?

If you’re having trouble selecting photos, you can click the Get A New Challenge button to reset it, or select Get An Audio Challenge to listen for a passphrase instead.